Modern city life!
Photography and film played an important role at the Bauhaus. These new types of media reflected the modern zeitgeist after the First World War and quickly became the most influential mass media of the 1920s. In the time of the Weimar Republic, The Universum Film AG (UFA) in Potsdam grew to become the second largest film empire and film classics such as Dr. Mabuse (1922), Die Nibelungen (1924) and Faust (1926) ensured that they were to become a direct competitor for the film giants of Hollywood. A large number of the films produced by the UFA incorporated expressionist, surreal and experimental influences. After the Second World War, there were twelve movie theatres in Halle (Saale). The most important of these were three UFA picture palaces, the Lichtspiel-Palast Capitol and the Walhalla Theatre, which was a movie theatre in the 1920s. These cinemas of course also showed the classics of films history created in Potsdam-Babelsberg.