Haus Paris
Ernst-Grube-Straße 24
Julius Kallmeyer, Wilhelm FacilidesThis house was built by the architectural firm Kallmeyer & Facilides for local entrepreneur Bruno Paris and is regarded as a prestigious example of ‘New Building’.
The ground plan of this two- to three-storey cuboid building is almost exactly square. The house has a striking shallow slate hip roof. On the street side, the projecting staircase is patterned with bands of brick-edged windows. The entrance area is also faced with brick and, with its flight of steps and cantilever roof, it is strikingly prominent. The back of the house with its roofed terrace and balcony is more quietly structured. The vestibule opens onto the central hallway, which gives onto the reception rooms. Today the house is used as a bed-and-breakfast, a clinic and a research institute.